Lake Gerry Association

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  • Ice Cream Social

Ice Cream Social

  • 07/06/2024
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM (EDT)
  • Charles Kelley Rd Pavilion

Join your fellow Lake Gerry Association members at the Ice Cream Social at the Charles Kelley Rd. Pavilion on the evening of July 6th. 

We know you burned off all those Pancake Breakfast calories while paddling around the lake and reeling in lunker-bass at the Fishing Derby.  

Now, cool off with a nice frozen treat at our Ice Cream Social.  Typically a Lake Days Event, we have moved the Ice Cream Social to coincide with the Fishing Derby to provide everyone with a chance to unwind after a fun day on the lake. 

Lake Gerry Association is a non-profit organization. PO Box 665 Oxford, NY 13830

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