Lake Gerry Association


Stay up-to-date on the latest news from the Lake Gerry Community. 

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  • 07/23/2024 2:06 PM | Anonymous

    Lake Gerry Association Meeting

    July 21, 2024

    Unofficial Meeting Notes

    Treasurer’s Report – We made a little over $200 in donation/raffles during the Pancake Breakfast.

    Lake Steward’s Report –

    There will be a lily pad/aquatic herbicide treatment applied to the lake sometime in the coming week or two.  There will be signs posted around the lake with the exact date of the application.  This herbicide does require us to not swim in the lake for 24 hours and the water should not be consumed or used for irrigation for 72 hours following the application.  It will take 7 to 10 days for the lily pads to start to die and up to 4 weeks for them to sink.

    In addition to the new herbicide, we will be trying a new muck reducer pellet. 

    Our consultants recommended we apply the muck pellets a week or two after the herbicide for best results. 

    We will closely monitor how these new treatments work and will re-apply as necessary for the remainder of the year.

    Two solar streetlights will be installed at the pavilion. 

    There was some damage to the grounds around the pavilion that was repaired.

    Oxford will be hosting a Dumpster Day on August 25th at 35 Water Street.   For details see:

    We have applied for a nuisance beaver permit from NYS to help deal with the problematic beavers in the lake.

    We are looking at several plans to improve the spillway to help us manage the problems created by the beavers.

    General Meeting:

    Thank you to the arbitration board for helping us address several issues with people around the lake. 


    This year the by-laws will be updated.  Some of the areas that need to be address will be listed below:

    Article 1, Section 10 – needs more concise language.

    Article 3, Section 2 – There is no longer a fee for boat stickers, however all boats on Lake Gerry must have a current LGA sticker.

    Article 3, Section 5 – All households are only granted one vote with membership. There will be no extra votes.

    Article 5, Section 2 – We will follow New York State’s laws about firearms.

    Article 5, Section 6 – We need to follow NYS, County, and Oxford building regulations and cannot dictate anything that is not to-code. 

    Article 5, Section 8 – Change to allow by-law changes if the need arises, for example:  If a law changes and we need to be in compliance.

    Article 5, Section 15 – Change verbiage about leash laws and dogs on leash.

    Article 5, Section 17 – Anyone who owns more than one property is required to have a membership for each property, the residents of properties who are not members cannot be granted guest passes.

    Article 5, Section 18 – We need to discuss residents/members with chickens.

    Article 5, Section 19 – Need to enact rules for fencing – fencing cannot be on a property line.

    Article 5, Section 21 – remove portion about additional vote for a household.

    Fee Schedule – Needs to be updated to reflect current pricing.

    In addition to the above changes, we need to do a little reorganization of the by-laws so they are easier to understand and find content.

    This year is a board voting year.  We are looking for volunteers to fill the board positions.  Please reach out if you would like to volunteer.

    There were some scheduling conflicts for the upcoming August meeting, so it will be changed to August 18th, at 1:00pm at the Charles Kelley Rd. Pavilion.

    Annual Picnic will take place on August 25th at the Charles Kelley Rd. pavilion.  We will also plan on having the auction/raffles on this date as well.

    The annual Boat Parade will take place on the evening of August 25th.

    We had some discussion about trailers and campers again, but no real resolve yet on the issue. 

  • 07/11/2024 7:23 AM | Anonymous

    The Annual Lake Gerry Fishing Derby was held on July 6th this year. 

    We had 18 participants. 

    Adult Trophies:

    Most fish caught:  Val O.  caught 33 fish

    Largest Fish:   Stacy B. caught an 18inch 2lb 4oz Large Mouth Bass

    Youth Trophies:

    Most fish caught:  Ruby C. caught 6 fish

    Largest Fish:  Aaron who caught a 17-1/4 inch 1 lb 10oz Large Mouth Bass

    Smallest Fish:  Carter D. caught a 3-1/2 incher

    A door prize was also awarded to participants, the winner was: Hans

    Thank you everyone for participating and thank you Beckwith Family for hosting again this year. 

  • 06/12/2024 3:57 PM | Anonymous

    Lake Gerry Association

    June 2024 Meeting

    Unofficial Meeting Notes

    Treasurer’s Report -  We spent some money on our insurance policy, safe deposit box, trophies for fish derby and boat parade.  Cleaning up and maintaining the areas around the pavilions.  We had a new sign made for the pavilion.  We had a very generous donation to the fish fund that will be put toward adding more fat head minnows in the fall. 

    Lake Steward Report -  The ruts around the Charles Kelley Rd pavilion have been filled.   The port-a-potty was emptied, but not without some drama.   The pavilions both had their fire-inspections.  Marc will be picking up the grass carp for he lake on Tuesday from Hickling’s fish farm.

    Past stocking: 

    2022 we added 600 Catfish to the lake.  (Please let us know if you are catching any.  We may need to build a few spawning tubes for them to start reproducing).  5000 fathead minnows and 100 perch. 

    2023 – we added 75 Large Mouth Bass.  10,000 fathead minnows. 20 grass carp

    We will be deciding what to add in 2024 but will be aiming to beef up the feeder minnow population in the lake to help support the bass population.

    President’s Report – Already this year there have been some individuals leaving things in the Lake Gerry access lanes causing other members to not be able to use the lake.   Please see the Lake Gerry Association By-Laws and Code-of-Conduct for rules about rights-of-way.  All boats without current LGA Member Boat Stickers may be removed. A reminder to be good to your neighbors and respectful of others.

    Last year we changed the format of what used to be called Lake Days in the middle of August.  We combined the pancake breakfast, ice cream social and fishing derby to occur on the same day.  Last year this was a huge success, and we will continue this new tradition.  Saturday July 6th will start with a pancake breakfast from 9:00am – 11:00am at the Charles Kelley Road pavilion.  The Fishing derby will be from 9:00am – 1:00pm, the Beckwith family has agreed to host the derby again this year at their dock.  The Ice Cream Social will take place that evening between 6:00 – 8:00pm.  If you’re a new member and have any questions, please send me an email and I’ll try to fill you in on these events as best I can.

    2024 is a by-laws and election year.  We want to try to have nominations for all officers and several trustee positions presented at the July 14th meeting.  If you are interested in volunteering to help keep the Lake Gerry community improving and thriving, please attend this meeting or email myself or contact any LGA board member.   The elections will be at the September meeting.  We will also begin discussing any potential changes to our by-laws at the July meeting.

    We had a review of our insurance policy now that several major projects have been completed.  We will need to mark hazardous Lake Gerry properties with caution tape and post that access is not permitted to these areas. 

    There was a spirited and confusing debate pertaining to property lines and surveys dating back a few decades.  A reminder that moving, removing or damaging survey pins in any way is illegal and could result in fines and hefty fees to re-establish boundaries. 

    We have not met with Solitude Lake Management about the lily-pad and pond weed overgrowth or muck remediation yet.  We have collected information to help them formulate a plan for us and we will be discussing solutions as we get them.  In the meantime, feel free to cut path’s from your property to the lake if you need to. 

    We did discuss dogs and dog bites again at this meeting, but you can read the notes from any other meeting and see the recommendations. 

    Lastly, please remember that everyone here is a volunteer, and we are all trying to help each other and to make Lake Gerry a great place to live and visit.  We will need volunteers for the board next year, in the future, and for projects around the lake. 

  • 06/12/2024 7:53 AM | Anonymous

    This year we would like to feature some of the amazing talents of our Lake Gerry residents.  

    These chainsaw sculptures are created by our very own Billy Hatton.  Billy is a skilled woodworker and has been vital in many Lake Gerry Association projects around the lake. 

    Thank you Billy for all that you do and for letting us display some of your many talents. 

  • 05/22/2024 11:17 AM | Anonymous

    Lake Gerry Association

    May 2024 Meeting

    Unofficial Meeting Notes

    Lake Steward Report –

    We will be planning on meeting with Solitude Lake Management to see what they recommend for further remediation of lily pads and muck in the lake.  We will be looking at various brands of muck reduction pellets and encouraging a do-it-yourself approach to treating the muck.  We would like to put together a team of volunteers to help with the removal of the floating muck islands around the lake.

    Pine Road work has been completed.  (I’m not sure if this means Pavilion work or something else)

    6 Beavers were removed from the lake last year.  So far this year, the beavers have been causing a lot of problems chewing on docks and plugging up the spillway which needs to be cleaned out several times a week now. Due to low demand for beaver pelts, the trapper who helps us remove the beavers in Lake Gerry would like to be paid to do so in the future.

    There are several ruts around the Charles Kelley Road pavilion from repair work that was done in the fall.  These will be filled.

    The Charles Kelley Road pavilion repairs have been nearly completed.  The structure was straightened, secured, and painted.  We are looking at better options for the surface within the pavilion as the current drainage stone is difficult to walk and stand on. 

    Signposts around the lake need to be treated and placed.

    The Pine Road dock needs to be raised out of the water and placed back, likely due to muck.

    Treasurer’s Report –

    As of 5/10 – We have raised $9750 in memberships; 1 income property membership; $412 Lake Preservation;  $305 Fish Fund;  $182 Grass Carp fund.  

    We spent: $1925.22 on fish stocking last year thanks to a generous donation.

    NYSEG bills last year totaled $346.34

    Tree removal and spillway work totaled:  $1740

    Pavilion Repairs totaled: $9019

    President’s Report –

    We have been working with Solitude Lake Management since 2020 which included three years of lily pad treatments and muck pellet application.  We are still within the 5-year permitting window from the DEC for herbicide treatment of the lily pads.  To date, we have spent $29,370 on lake restoration with Solitude. 

    Our DEC permits are for the treatment of Lily Pads, however, much of the nuisance vegetation left on the lake is called Pond Weed which requires a different DEC permitting process and different herbicide treatment.  This means a lot more money to address these needs. 

    An option that we began exploring last year was the purchase of a machine called a Water Bug from Weeders Digest.  The Water Bug is an electric, radio controlled, floating weed cutter/harvester.   The cost of this machine is much less than what we have currently spent on lily pad spraying.  We could purchase a Water Bug and utilize it around the lake with the help from association volunteers.  We will begin fundraising for this if deemed an appropriate solution.

    In addition to the Water Bug itself, we will need a storage shed and insurance policy to protect it. To learn more about the water bug you can click on:,shores%2C%20channels%2C%20and%20more!

    We also discussed the usage of fountains to aerate the lake.  There is some confusion on aeration and what that achieves for muck remediation.  Most aerators simply move muck around the lake, likely onto your neighbor’s waterfront.  They also consume massive amounts of electricity to run.  Many years ago the Lake Gerry Association attempted to run an aeration system which was a complete failure and ended with a fire and destroyed equipment.  What our lake likely needs is what is called micro-oxygenation to help facilitate the decomposition of muck and vegetation.  This is a different type of system than a fountain.

    This year we would like to address the beach and make it more usable and sustainable.  The current situation is that every year we put sand on the beach and every time it rains it gets washed into the lake.  We have had many very generous donations of sand and repair work done on the beach over the years; however, we need a more permanent fix.  We are currently speaking with a landscaping company who believe they have a solution for the beach.  We will get back to you with more information on their proposal.  

    It is going to be a busy week for Pauline, the LGA president.  She will be meeting with the Town Supervisor, then reviewing our policies with the Insurance Agent to determine how our new guest-pass system affects the association’s insurance policy. 

    ATV’s – the Lake Gerry Association does not own Charles Kelley Road, therefore we cannot, as an association, make rules about ATV’s on Charles Kelley Road.  HOWEVER, riding ATV’s on public roads is illegal unless they are properly registered.  If you see anyone on an ATV driving over the speed limit, or acting a fool, call the police and report them.  Photos are also helpful.   We are working on obtaining some signs notifying the residents that ATV usage on public roads is illegal.   We have also had significant damage from ATV usage by non-members, on Lake Gerry Association properties.  ATV usage on Lake Gerry Association properties, roads and rights-of-way is prohibited.

    Boats on Right-of-Ways – Two boats are allowed per member on a right-of-way.  Each boat must have a current Lake Gerry Association Boat Sticker applied to the hull. 

    Dogs – If loose, causing a nuisance and/or causing you to be afraid you need to call the Dog Warden 607-952-6025 .  If you are bitten by a dog you must call the Sheriff.   All dogs must be licensed and vaccinated.

    Website -  I manage, maintain, and write content for the Lake Gerry Association website.  I do this, so everyone living on the lake can stay informed about things going on around the lake.  I also do this, to try to make the LGA officer’s life easier and save the association time and money communicating with membership.  By utilizing the website for membership renewals and communication we create an audit trail that helps protect the Lake Gerry Association and its members.  The website also provides membership forums where we can discuss various things that are important to our members.  These member forums are private so you must be logged-in to see and participate in the discussion.  Your membership data and contact data is also private and is not shared with other members.  Like everything in life, sometimes something might not work right, or an issue will arise.  Please reach out to me at and I’ll investigate the problem and try to get it fixed for you as quickly as I can.  Please note that I try, but do not always, check that email account daily.  It may take a few days to get your answer.  I forward all non-website oriented emails to the association board members for them to address.

    By-Laws -- This year is a by-laws year, meaning that we will be reviewing the by-laws with our attorneys, insurance companies and members.  We are currently looking at removing much of the language pertaining to building and codes because those are not appropriate to be in our by-laws.  Once we have the suggested by-law changes laid out, they will be posted on the website for discussion and then voted on in September to be implemented for the 2025 season. 

    Board Voting – This year is also a Lake Gerry Association Board voting year.  All positions are open for new participants, and we want to encourage everyone to volunteer to get involved.

    Derelict properties --  Last year we sent a delegation from Lake Gerry to the town to seek help addressing some of the derelict properties around Lake Gerry.  A petition was generated to seek county help on addressing these health and environmental hazards. 

    Our next Lake Gerry Association will be June 9th.

  • 04/04/2024 2:58 PM | Anonymous


    Greetings Lake Gerry Association! Season 2024 is here. 2023 proved to be busy and productive.  The Charles Kelley Pavilion received some much-needed attention. It is now straighter and more structurally sound. Once the weather cooperates some minor details will be attended to.

             The beavers were prolific in 2023. Trapping and mitigating their damage were essential to the lake. This effort was no small feat. The spillway was cleaned up and cleaned out regularly as it was plugged repeatedly.

             This season the beach will need some attention. Members have made several suggestions about the stone base at the pavilion, and they will be discussed and voted on at our meetings.

             Solitude will be coming to meet with our board to discuss further efforts to improve our lake quality. When that meeting takes place, the proposals will be brought to the members.

             This is an election year for LGA members please think about joining the board!!!

             This is also a year to review and update the LGA bylaws. The procedure for this will be explained at the first meeting.

             ALWAYS stay engaged! The LGA website is a wealth of information. If you are unable to make a meeting check for updates there.

             Lastly, this year let’s celebrate the talents of our members. This community is home to painters, photographers, wood workers and quilters. Showcasing their talents will be an LGA goal this season!

    Let’s Go LGA!!

  • 04/04/2024 12:03 PM | Anonymous

    Hi Everyone!

    I hope you all had a good off-season.  Over the next few days you should start receiving the renewal emails for the Lake Gerry Association.  

    Please fill out the application, review the by-laws and make your membership payments securely, online.  

    Also, if you are renewing your membership and you had made any donations last year, this website for some reason will automatically add those same donations to your membership screen.  You are NOT obligated to make the same contributions and can change them before making payment.  However, your generous donations are always welcome and appreciated. 

    Should you have any questions or problems registering/renewing please reach out to me at and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.  

    Thanks and cheers to a fun and productive 2024 season. 

    - Tim  -- (The website guy)

  • 08/21/2023 9:19 AM | Anonymous

    The September Lake Gerry Association meeting has been moved from Sept 10th to September 17th.  Charles Kelley Rd. Pavilion - 1:00pm to 2:00pm (or a little longer).   

  • 07/11/2023 7:58 AM | Anonymous

    Lake Gerry Association

    July 2023 Meeting

    Unofficial Meeting Notes

    The meeting was held on Sunday July 9th, 2023.  There were approximately 21 members in attendance.  It rained some, but thankfully not the amount they were calling for.

    Treasurers Report -  Money has been spent on:  Pancake Breakfast, Ice Cream Social, Items for raffling at Ice cream Social, Trophies, Port-a-Potty pumping, Paint for the pavilion, Safe Deposit Box, and fish stocking. 

    We had a very generous donation toward the Fish Fund. 

    Lake Steward Report

    • Pavilions - We have purchased the paint for the pavilion and will begin painting it as soon as possible, ideally before this year's fire inspection.  There was a bad GFI box noted in the pavilion and has been replaced.  The work to straighten the Charles Kelley Rd Pavilion is planned for September.
    • NYSEG - Will be out to remove a problematic tree over the power lines.

    30 seems to be the number of the week! 

    Last week we held a pancake breakfast which had about 30 people attend. 

    We also held the Fishing Derby on July 1st.  It was a huge success and we received many compliments about how much fun it was.  A special thank you to the Beckwith Family and those who helped organize this great event.  There were 30 participants. 

    The evening of July 1st we held the ice cream social.   30 people were able to join us to cool down in the evening before the rain started. 

    I wish I had taken some photos of them, but the amazingly talented Billy H. carved a set of beautiful logs that will be placed at the entrance to the Charles Kelley Rd Pavilion.  Be sure to check them out once they're installed.  

    Right of Ways - We continue to have problems with people abusing, moving, or trashing the right-of-ways.  Ellis Lane this past week has been clogged up with boats, chairs and even a swing across the lane making it unusable for many Lake Association Members.  Please remember that all Lake Gerry Association Members have access to these lanes and they must be kept clear.  

    Speeding - There has been a rise in speeding around the lake, and in particular, down Kent Road and other longer Lake Gerry Association Properties.  The police have been notified and will increase patrols of the areas.  If you are having a problem with someone speeding in an car, truck, or ATV, please contact the police. 

    • A vote was held to set a speed limit of 5 MPH on all Lake Gerry Association roads.  (Note:  This does not include Charles Kelley Rd. which is a public road) This speed limit will pertain to all motor vehicles. 
    • A vote was held to post signs at the beginning of each Lake Gerry Association road with the speed limit and any applicable restrictions.

    Dogs - There were several more incidents involving some of the dogs around Lake Gerry.  We continue to address this issue as best we can, however:

    • If you have a problem with a dog on your property or while on Charles Kelley Rd or any of the Lake Gerry Association roads, please call the Dog Control Officer:  Roger Barrows at 607-952-6025, leave a message with the date and time and details if he doesn't answer.   
    • If there is a dog on your property, or a public road way and it is menacing you, trying to attack you or causing you to be afraid, then you need to call 911 and give them the details of the incident.
    • If you are bit by a dog, you need to report the bite to the police by calling 911.  

    Our Lake Days Picnic and Auction will be held on August 5th.  We will be changing the start time from 1:00pm to 12:00pm.  Although the Phil's Chicken House picnic last year was a great success, many people liked grilling burgers, hot dogs and bringing a dish to pass, so we will be going that route again.  The challenge is that it is difficult to plan for how many people will attend.  Therefore, we are asking that everyone RSVP to the Picnic who plans on attending.  You can do this through the website, by clicking on the event link in the calendar on the home screen.  Hopefully I made that process easy enough for everyone to figure out.

    Following lunch on the 5th - around 2pm, will be our annual Auction.  This year we will be raffling gift cards, art work, and other ticketed items.  We will also be collecting "gently used" items for the auction.  Any items you wish to donate to the auction can be left on your curb by 9:00am on the morning of the 5th.  Our volunteers will be around to pick them up.    We will not be accepting:  Books, Cat Trees, Baby Items, Electronics, or Junk.   We encourage everyone to join us and help us raise money for the Lake Restoration and Preservation projects. 

    Boat Parade - The boat Parade will be held on August 5th at 6pm.  Judging will be held on the beach.  While I don't know all the official rules or how this works, I'd like to see everyone take a lap around the lake and everyone in the boats and on the shores cheering and having some fun with each other.  There will be trophies awarded!

    RV Lots and Snow Birds - We revisited this discussion some.  See last meeting's notes or the website forum discussion if you have any questions, comments or concerns.  We will plan on continuing these discussion but will need to make some decisions soon. 

  • 07/06/2023 7:49 AM | Anonymous

    2023 Lake Gerry Fishing Derby Results!

    Somehow the rain held out again for this year's fishing derby!   I missed all the activity but it looked like there were quite a few people out enjoying the fishing at Lake Gerry!

    The winners are:

    Youth:  Most Fish -- Aaron

    Youth:  Largest Fish -- Carter  with a 15-3/4 Inch, 1lb 12 oz Large Mouth Bass

    Youth:  Smallest Fish:  Ruby with a 4 inch whopper.

    Adults: Most Fish - Valerie O.  with a total of 16 fish.

    Adults: Largest Fish -- Travis F. with a 18-1/2 inch, 2lb 11oz Large Mouth Bass

    This year we had 30 participants which is the most ever recorded!!  

    A special thank you to the Beckwith's and for everyone else who helped make this day a fun!  

    We are all looking forward to next years derby!

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Lake Gerry Association is a non-profit organization. PO Box 665 Oxford, NY 13830

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