Lake Gerry Association Meeting
Unofficial Summary – August 14, 2022
Lily Pad Treatments have been scheduled tentatively for the end of August, and hopefully before Labor Day. Please keep in mind that this schedule is highly variable and may not occur for several weeks. The lily pad treatments will be a focused effort in the dense areas in the corners of the lake. This will be the last planned lily pad treatment.
There will be several trees on Ellis Lane being cut down in the coming weeks. This same company will be cutting back trees around the pavilion that are 4 inches in diameter or less. This will help the pavilion get more sunlight and help dry out the surrounding area.
The Port-a-potty was cleaned this week.
The Lifetime Membership Plaque at the Charles Kelley Rd. Pavilion has been updated.
We are investigating a product called the Neptune Rake to aid in the muck removal in the lake. We will be reaching out to fabricators to see if we could build something similar. Removal of the muck may require permission from waterfront property owners to give us a place to remove the muck.
There are openings for a Permanent Board Member and a Trustee position. Erich Kennedy was nominated and voted in as a permanent board member of the Lake Gerry Association. David Depew was nominated and voted into the Trustee position.
The Chicken BBQ will be held on Saturday September 20th starting at 12:00pm. Previous correspondence said 1:00, however the new time is 12:00pm. There are about 55 dinners ordered. If you haven’t yet and would like to order a Chicken Dinner from Phil’s Chicken House the cost is $15 each and includes ½ a BBQ chicken, Salt Potatoes, Coleslaw and a Dinner roll. The Association will provide drinks and members are asked to bring a dessert to share.
During the Chicken BBQ, we will be having a fundraising raffle for several items including: Artwork, a tent, a canoe and other camping equipment. Items are coming in all the time so be sure to stop by and drop a ticket in for any items you would like.
The annual Lake Gerry Boat Parade will be held on Saturday August 20th at 5:00pm. Trophies will be awarded. Participants are to decorate their boat (the more fun the better) and take a lap around the lake drumming up support. Judging will take place at the beach. The more that participate the more fun everyone will have.
The port-a-potty at the Charles Kelley Rd Pavilion is aging and a bit small. We will be looking into finding an affordable replacement.
In the coming days or weeks we will be launching a newer version of our website. This website will reflect changes based on your usage of the site and what the community needs. It will also streamline the payment process and provide more effective newsletter emails to be delivered. It should eliminate many of the bugs we encountered in the old system and create better experiences for our members and the general public. The login credentials you use on the current website will no longer work on the new version. You will login with your email address and create a new password. This new site will also allow you to add other members of your household to the website so they can access member-only content as well. Check the website often for the latest information.
We have had some incidents on the lake involving members and non-members that violates our code of conduct. If you are involved in any incidents or see them occurring, please call 911. Threatening behavior toward anyone will not be tolerated, at any time.
There have been many reports of non-members using the lake and members who have not been purchasing guest passes for people visiting the lake. If you see this happening, please call 911 and report them for trespassing. All guests must always have a guest pass lanyard on them while using Lake Gerry. You can purchase additional guest passes on the website.
A vote was held by attending members that will eliminate the Extra Household Vote available with each membership. This will return our voting rolls to one vote per membership and will eliminate potentially unfair voting practices.
Our next Lake Gerry Association meeting was going to be held on Sunday September 11th. Instead, out of respect for September 11th remembrance we will hold the last Lake Gerry Association meeting on Sunday, September 18th. During this meeting we will be holding several very important membership votes. There will be additional descriptions of the votes coming from Pauline in the next few days. I will post them once I receive them. These topics will include: Annual Membership Fees Evaluation, Elimination of the Early Bird Guest Membership, Changes to By-laws and the elimination of the guest pass system and changes to the Lake Gerry Association Membership structure.
It is very important that you read up on these efforts and attend the September meeting if you would like your voice counted.