Lake Gerry Association Meeting
July 10, 2022
Unofficial Summary
Treasurer's Report -- See Financial Summary in member section
Lake Steward Report -- Given by Pauline:
- Pine Road Pavilion - being painted today and upgrades have been completed. It did run a bit over budget, but should be much improved. We encourage all Lake Gerry Association Members to use this facility with their families. Reminder: There is limited parking next to the pavilion. You may also exit Pine Road via the access lane that connects Pine Road with Kent Road. This road has not been traveled much, and is narrow. NOTE: This is NOT a foot path, but an actual road to be available to all Lake Gerry Members.
- Fire Inspections - Required fire-extinguishers and first aid kits are now available at each pavilion. It is unlikely that we will get to completing the required renovations on the Charles Kelley Road Pavilion this year due to budget constraints. It will become a priority once funds are available.
- Beach - The beach has become overrun with muck and aquatic vegetation. This will become a testing site for a new Muck treatment called Muck Doctor that was recommended by Weeders Digest. These muck "spikes" will be placed this week and evaluated for their effectiveness. There will also be a new donation of sand to the beach shortly.
A question was raised by a new member about plowing the roads during the winter. Note: The Lake Gerry Association does NOT maintain roads or lanes around Lake Gerry. Road/Lane Maintenance is to be performed by residents on these roads. A page on the website will be dedicated to community members who provide these services. If you offer these services or know of a reliable contact, please let us know by emailing:
Officer Nominations: We will need nominees for President, Vice President and Lake Steward. As of this meeting there were NO volunteers. We will be putting together a more comprehensive list of duties for each officer in hopes of attracting a competent leadership team.
We currently have a problem with guest passes not being used on the lake. There is a proposal to limit the liability of Lake Gerry Guests by including them in a resident's home-owners policy. Note: Non-Members and guests of members without guest passes are trespassing on Lake Gerry and will be subject to trespassing charges.
Financial Vote - During the September meeting, we will be voting on new Board leadership as well as having a financial vote to decide if we need to increase association dues and what to do about boat and guest passes. Please be sure to attend.
Lake Restoration/Preservation -- Our last scheduled muck treatment will occur this week by SOLitude Lake Management. They will be evaluating the floating islands of muck that are arising with the lily-pad die-offs. We anticipate the price of these services to be very high and will be reevaluating our options in the fall. Our last lily pad treatment is planned for August. We will be focusing these treatments on the real dense areas at the ends of the lake. After this year, we will be doing spot treatments as needed. We are also investigating the purchase of a mechanical cutter to help maintain the lake better from now-on.
Lake Days - The attendance over the past couple years has sucked and it has been costing the association a lot of money in wasted food and time. We are considering shrinking down the weekend events to just a single Lake Day for now, until it gains tractions again. We are looking into pre-ordered meals to be provided by a catering service (currently looking at Phil's Chicken House) - Each attendee will have to order their meals and can pick them up at a designated time. They can be enjoyed at the pavilion with other members, or can be taken home to eat. We are looking at getting rid of the Auction as lately it has been mostly junk and raised no money. Instead, we are looking at offering raffles for various items such as: Quilts, Wine, Gift Cards, Gift Baskets, etc. We will know more about this in the coming weeks.
Entrance/Sign Planters have become overgrown. We have hired a local gentleman to weed and maintain these gardens for us on a monthly basis.
Peg Philips has made a proposal to purchase an un-used access lane adjacent to her property. The access lane does not service any homes or properties.
Fish Derby - was a huge success this year. Thank you for all those involved and who donated time and prizes. There were 23 registered and everyone had a great time. We were even able to meet some new residents on the lake. We look forward to continuing this tradition next year.