Lake Gerry Association

Lake Days - 2021

08/17/2021 7:46 AM | Anonymous

Lake Days!

A heartfelt thank you to all of you who came out and supported and volunteered at the Lake Gerry - Lake Days this year. The weather was pretty near perfect for all of our events.  

We started Friday evening with an ice cream social.  Lots of laughs and tasty treats for everyone.   There was a little snafu with the bucket of chocolate ice cream (couldn't find any!) so we were stuck with Chocolate Peanut butter... The horror. 

Saturday we held the Community Picnic where we grilled up some burgers, hot dogs and had plenty dishes for everyone to enjoy!  (Someone even brought Chicken Wings!!)    The Lake Gerry Preservation Fund Auction got off to a slow start, but by the end the cash was flowing well enough and many left with some fantastic finds.  

We also held the first of several Gift-Card Raffles:  A gas card, $50 Pine Ridge Grocery card and last meeting's winner of the $50 Price Chopper card donated it back to be raffled off again.  The raffles seemed pretty popular so we will be exploring offering these more often and through-out the year.   You'll be able to find them under the Member's area of the website and Raffles.   (It'll still take a little while to get them up and running)


Saturday evening was a pretty abysmal Boat Parade.  I think I saw 3 boats go across the lake.  We'll try much harder next year to get better participation and enthusiasm.  I know when my kids are a bit older (and we can paddle out past the lily pads easier) they'll have a blast with this.  Thank you for those who kept the tradition alive!  


Sunday's pancake breakfast was a relaxing treat to end the weekend.  The Lake Gerry Association cooked up a morning feast including: Sausage, Eggs, Hash-browns, Regular and Blueberry Pancakes.  The coffee was flowing fast and strong.  I met some new faces in the community and heard some funny stories of Lake-Days past.  


The evenings this past weekend were quite chilly for August, and it reminds us that our summer at Lake Gerry will be coming to an end soon.  We still have a bunch of projects to finish up and encourage you to participate and donated as much as you can.  We truly live in a fantastic little community and we want to keep improving it. 


Lake Gerry Association is a non-profit organization. PO Box 665 Oxford, NY 13830

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