Lake Gerry Association

LGA Meeting - July 2023

07/11/2023 7:58 AM | Anonymous

Lake Gerry Association

July 2023 Meeting

Unofficial Meeting Notes

The meeting was held on Sunday July 9th, 2023.  There were approximately 21 members in attendance.  It rained some, but thankfully not the amount they were calling for.

Treasurers Report -  Money has been spent on:  Pancake Breakfast, Ice Cream Social, Items for raffling at Ice cream Social, Trophies, Port-a-Potty pumping, Paint for the pavilion, Safe Deposit Box, and fish stocking. 

We had a very generous donation toward the Fish Fund. 

Lake Steward Report

  • Pavilions - We have purchased the paint for the pavilion and will begin painting it as soon as possible, ideally before this year's fire inspection.  There was a bad GFI box noted in the pavilion and has been replaced.  The work to straighten the Charles Kelley Rd Pavilion is planned for September.
  • NYSEG - Will be out to remove a problematic tree over the power lines.

30 seems to be the number of the week! 

Last week we held a pancake breakfast which had about 30 people attend. 

We also held the Fishing Derby on July 1st.  It was a huge success and we received many compliments about how much fun it was.  A special thank you to the Beckwith Family and those who helped organize this great event.  There were 30 participants. 

The evening of July 1st we held the ice cream social.   30 people were able to join us to cool down in the evening before the rain started. 

I wish I had taken some photos of them, but the amazingly talented Billy H. carved a set of beautiful logs that will be placed at the entrance to the Charles Kelley Rd Pavilion.  Be sure to check them out once they're installed.  

Right of Ways - We continue to have problems with people abusing, moving, or trashing the right-of-ways.  Ellis Lane this past week has been clogged up with boats, chairs and even a swing across the lane making it unusable for many Lake Association Members.  Please remember that all Lake Gerry Association Members have access to these lanes and they must be kept clear.  

Speeding - There has been a rise in speeding around the lake, and in particular, down Kent Road and other longer Lake Gerry Association Properties.  The police have been notified and will increase patrols of the areas.  If you are having a problem with someone speeding in an car, truck, or ATV, please contact the police. 

  • A vote was held to set a speed limit of 5 MPH on all Lake Gerry Association roads.  (Note:  This does not include Charles Kelley Rd. which is a public road) This speed limit will pertain to all motor vehicles. 
  • A vote was held to post signs at the beginning of each Lake Gerry Association road with the speed limit and any applicable restrictions.

Dogs - There were several more incidents involving some of the dogs around Lake Gerry.  We continue to address this issue as best we can, however:

  • If you have a problem with a dog on your property or while on Charles Kelley Rd or any of the Lake Gerry Association roads, please call the Dog Control Officer:  Roger Barrows at 607-952-6025, leave a message with the date and time and details if he doesn't answer.   
  • If there is a dog on your property, or a public road way and it is menacing you, trying to attack you or causing you to be afraid, then you need to call 911 and give them the details of the incident.
  • If you are bit by a dog, you need to report the bite to the police by calling 911.  

Our Lake Days Picnic and Auction will be held on August 5th.  We will be changing the start time from 1:00pm to 12:00pm.  Although the Phil's Chicken House picnic last year was a great success, many people liked grilling burgers, hot dogs and bringing a dish to pass, so we will be going that route again.  The challenge is that it is difficult to plan for how many people will attend.  Therefore, we are asking that everyone RSVP to the Picnic who plans on attending.  You can do this through the website, by clicking on the event link in the calendar on the home screen.  Hopefully I made that process easy enough for everyone to figure out.

Following lunch on the 5th - around 2pm, will be our annual Auction.  This year we will be raffling gift cards, art work, and other ticketed items.  We will also be collecting "gently used" items for the auction.  Any items you wish to donate to the auction can be left on your curb by 9:00am on the morning of the 5th.  Our volunteers will be around to pick them up.    We will not be accepting:  Books, Cat Trees, Baby Items, Electronics, or Junk.   We encourage everyone to join us and help us raise money for the Lake Restoration and Preservation projects. 

Boat Parade - The boat Parade will be held on August 5th at 6pm.  Judging will be held on the beach.  While I don't know all the official rules or how this works, I'd like to see everyone take a lap around the lake and everyone in the boats and on the shores cheering and having some fun with each other.  There will be trophies awarded!

RV Lots and Snow Birds - We revisited this discussion some.  See last meeting's notes or the website forum discussion if you have any questions, comments or concerns.  We will plan on continuing these discussion but will need to make some decisions soon. 

Lake Gerry Association is a non-profit organization. PO Box 665 Oxford, NY 13830

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