Lake Gerry Association


Stay up-to-date on the latest news from the Lake Gerry Community. 

  • 05/14/2022 7:59 AM | Anonymous

    Below is the list of topics we would like to discuss at our May 2022 meeting which also includes many of our plans for the year.  To see more details about these topics please login and see the summary of the meeting in the Members, Meeting Minutes section of the website.

    LGA 2022 Agenda  - May 2022


    • Solitude recommends this year be the last to spray
    • Cleanup Wood around Pavilion – Lake Steward Report
    • Take down out-buildings behind pavilion – Chris M.
    • Review and Plan play area at pavilion
    • Redo Beach Area – Chris M.
    • Plan out fundraising
    • Plan out activities
    • Review and plan out Lake Days
    • Audit – Done at board meeting
    • Water Testing – Solitude will do
    • Fish Stocking – Lake Steward Report
    • Fire Inspection – Lake Steward Report
    • Put up second sets of posts by entry signs
    • Schedule Port-a-Potty Cleaning
    • Clean up flower beds at entry ways – David Moy volunteered
    • Review Solitude Proposals
    • Review Pavilion proposals and set a plan of action – Pine Road begun, Picnic tables update
    • Lake access signs to be added off Charles Kelley
    • Paul Drop, Olga Hover, John Beebe passing --  John’s Celebration of life June 19th – 1-3pm
    • Walter Talgo to fill vice president til end of season
    • Secretary position is open  -- filled by Julie T.
    • September Officer voting
    • By-laws update – Taxes and legal bills
    • Give update about codes and abandoned houses
    • Give updates about all new property ideas from Oxford
    • Camper Proposals

  • 04/12/2022 8:09 AM | Anonymous

    LGA Logo

    Meeting Dates:   All meetings held at the Charles Kelley Rd. Pavilion Starting at 1:00pm.  

    • May 15th -  A Welcome Back Picnic will be held starting at 11am.
    • June 12th - 
    • July 10th - 
    • August 14th - 
    • September 11th - 

    All members are encouraged to attend.  


    Membership Packages:  We will NOT be mailing membership packages including: Boat Stickers, Guest Passes, Memberships and By-Laws this year.  Instead please pick them up at ANY Lake Gerry Association Meeting or at the the designated times below:


    • May 7th - 9:00 am to 11:00 am  - Charles Kelley Rd. Pavilion
    • May 14th - 9:00 am to 11:00 am  - Charles Kelley Rd. Pavilion
    • May 28th - 9:00 am to 11:00 am  - Charles Kelley Rd. Pavilion


    If you cannot pick up your Membership Package at any of the dates or times listed above, please reach out to Lake Gerry Association Board Member to arrange a time/date/method to retrieve your items.


    - Pauline

  • 01/05/2022 10:41 AM | Anonymous

    The Lake Gerry Lily Pad cleanup efforts continued this year.  While the lily pad treatment was later than we anticipated, we are seeing good results around the lake this winter. 

    Many large sections of lily pad roots/rhizomes are starting to float to the surface.  The lily-pad removal in conjunction with the monthly muck treatments are going to improve the overall health of Lake Gerry.  We will see an improvement in water quality, aquatic life and recreational capabilities as these treatments continue.  

    Lily pad rhizomes surfacing


    Please remember that this process takes time, money and volunteers.  If you can spare any of those things, please let us know or click the link below to donate to the Lake Gerry Preservation/Cleanup fund. 

  • 11/11/2021 7:57 AM | Anonymous

     This year the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation released a new documentary called: Uninvited:  The Spread of Invasive Species.  This video can be viewed on youtube by clicking the link below. 


    Watch DEC's Unvited


    For additional information about invasive species and how to help, click here.

  • 11/04/2021 7:57 AM | Anonymous

    Lake Gerry Fish Stocking - Fall 2021


    Hicklings Fish Farm in Edmeston delivered this fall's fish stock and added them to the lake this week.  Through your very generous donations we added: 

    100 Perch;  100 Black Crappie;  5000 fathead minnows (the original plan was 1000, but a donor sponsored an additional 4000 to be added).  

    100 Largemouth Bass will be added in the Spring. 


    Certain species of fish are added to the lake during different times of the year that are best for their survivability.  In the spring we will purchase more Grass Carp with our Adopt-a-Carp program.  Any other fish species that are available in the spring will be added at that time. 


     To help us purchase more Grass Carp for Lake Gerry: 

  • 11/04/2021 7:56 AM | Anonymous

    Amazon Fire HD 10 Tablet Raffle Winner:

    Congratulations Carol B.  


    Thank you to all those who particpated!  Please stay tuned for our next set of Gift Card Raffles to:

    Gilligans of Sherburne,  Mayhoods,  Lowe's, Price Chopper and Pine Ridge Grocery

    Coming Soon!


    Enter to win a Amazon Fire HD 10 Tablet and support the Lake Gerry Association's Lake Preservation and Cleanup Efforts. 

    Tickets are $5.00 each. 

    Drawing to be held December 15th. 

    All proceeds from the Lake Gerry Association's Raffles go toward the clean up and preservation of Lake Gerry. 

    To purchase your tickets online, click on the link below.  

  • 09/21/2021 7:55 AM | Anonymous

    One last muck treatment of 2021 will be performed on September 21st.  SOLitude Lake Management will be out on the lake distributing muck digester pellets around the perimeter of the lake.  

    During the last evaluation, the technician from SOLitude feels that the water and air temperatures are ideal for one more treatment and that with the cooler temperatures there will be more dissolved oxygen in the water which should help with the effectiveness of the pellets.  

  • 09/21/2021 7:54 AM | Anonymous

    Congratulations to Travis A. for winning the 2021 Lake Gerry Preservation Rifle Raffle from Mayhood's Sporting Goods!

    Thank you to all who participated in the raffle!

    Stay-Tuned for the next Preservation Fund Raffle coming out in the next couple days!


    Lake Preservation Rifle Raffle - 2021




    Here is your chance to enter-to-win a hunting rifle from Mayhood's Sporting Goods in Norwich, NY and support the Lake Gerry Preservation fund. 

    You may purchase tickets online below:


     Enter to win a Howa Model 1500 - 30-06 Rifle with Nikko Stirling Scope. 

    Rifle Scope

    Rifles not your thing?  Winner's can choose a $600 gift card to Mayhood's instead. 


    * Rifle Raffle Drawing will be held on November 1st, 2021.  

    * Must be 18 years or older to win rifle and pass all required background checks to obtain a firearm in New York State. 

    * Rifle must be picked-up in person and cannot be mailed to winner. 

  • 09/21/2021 7:52 AM | Anonymous

    Charles Kelley Rd. Pavilion - Damage and Repair - 2021

    In the days following our 2021 Lake Days events, a large rotten limb fell from the woods near the Charles Kelley Rd. Pavilion and landed on The Charles Kelley Rd. Pavilion, pulling down the electrical service line, turnbuckle and conduit. 

    Limb takes out Electrical Line


    Pavilion Conduit



    Repairs began the in September following the guidance of electricians and NYSEG where it was recommended that we bury the electrical supply line to help with stability and future pavilion repairs. 


    Trench to pavilion



    A very special thank you to all those who helped with the repairs. 


  • 09/14/2021 7:51 AM | Anonymous

    September 12th 2021 - Lake Gerry Association Meeting Summary

    Unofficial Meeting Summary

    Sunday was the final Lake Gerry Association meeting of the 2021 season.  

    Lake Steward:

    The Lake Preservation projects are in progress.  On August 31st, SOLitude Lake Management performed the 2nd muck digester treatment of the year.  These treatments are water temperature dependent so this will likely be the least treatment of this season, and will resume next spring.  An evaluation of their effectiveness will also be performed.   On September 7th, SOLitude Lake Management performed the Lily pad treatment for the year.  The treatment was placed around the perimeter of the lake and focused on some higher density areas.  It takes about 2 weeks to see the die-back of the lily pads and it will take until next spring until we can fully evaluate the treatment success.  Due to the severity of our lily pad overgrowth, it is likely we will need an additional treatment next year and spot-treatments after that.  It is important that we have realistic expectations and goals with these treatments. 

    Many of you have noticed the floating islands of muck and lily pad roots that have appeared this year (and over several years).  Seeing these is a good thing and indicates that we are getting decomposition and gas production in the muck layers as the lily pads die off and the muck treatments work.  We are formulating a plan to remove these islands of muck and will be consulting with SOLitude Lake Management as to our best course of action.  Don't be surprised if we ask for volunteers to help in this project in the near future or next spring. 

    Our Fish Stocking plans (Bass, Perch and Crappie) have hit an all-too-familiar Covid snag...  We are unsure if we will be able to get the Perch and Crappie from the fish hatchery for the fall stocking.  We will know more as we get closer to the release date in October as to the availability of those species. 

    The week after our Lake Days events, a large limb fell on the electrical supply line for the Charles Kelley Road pavilion knocking out the power and requiring it to be disconnected from the pavilion.  We are working with NYSEG and CV Electric in formulating a plan involving burying the electric line to the pavilion.  

    The sand on the beach has eroded this summer due to the never-ending rain we received. We will be looking at re-working and adding sand to the beach - likely in the spring time.  


    New Business:

    Per our Attorneys and Insurance Company - Lake Gerry Association roads and access lanes are not maintained by the Lake Gerry Association and must be maintained by the individuals who reside on them.  

    By-laws:  There needs to be several adjustments and addendums to the current Lake Gerry Association By-Laws to reflect best and most legal practices.  The changes will be to point any construction/property improvements to the Local and State codes/laws as they are the authorities on such matters. 

    Lake Preservation is a major financial undertaking for the Lake Gerry Association.  It is therefore absolutely essential that we raise funds to offset these costs.  A motion was made by several members to form a Fundraising committee to explore fundraising initiatives.  Current LGA Members can see some of the fundraising ideas by signing onto the website and going to the members section, and looking at the Fundraising or Membership Poll pages.  There you can vote-on or add your own ideas.  It is also highly-suggested that we reach out into the greater community for fundraising efforts.  Today the I Gave a Muck - Lake Gerry Association reusable grocery bags were for sale and seem to be a hit.  Bags may be purchased for $5/each or 3 for $10. 

    We began discussions on offering a new form of Guest Passes called a Universal Guest Pass (or something like that), which we will sell for a set fee.  That pass will allow your family and friends to enjoy the lake without the hassle of tracking down LGA Board members to get individual passes.  Stay Tuned for more information on this. 

    We continue to hash-out the way we will be handling Short-Term Rental properties on the lake.  I am putting together a series of polls for membership to vote on over the next week or two.  These will give us the best idea on how to handle these.  All current members are STRONGLY encouraged to offer their input on the matter.  The voting and discussion will be found when you sign up for your membership on the website and under the Members menu and the Short Term Rental tab.  

    We are continuing to build and enhance our new website.  For the whole system to work properly we need as many members as possible to sign-up on the website.  This creates an account for you and your family to access the membership information/private portions of the website.  Once you are established on the website we will be able to email you information and news around the lake and keep you up-to-date on any important happenings with Lake Gerry.  In addition to this information, you will also be granted access to membership voting pages where you will be able to easily vote on any Lake Gerry Association topic regardless of if you can attend a meeting or not.  The Online payment portion of the website is nearly complete which will allow you to pay your membership dues, make donations and order guest passes and boat stickers right from the website. I am currently working on an off-line portion of it for those who do not want to use their credit cards online.  

    We are discussing streamlining the membership, fundraising and passes systems to make them more beneficial to you, easier for our board members and more accurate for our current situation.  Easily the majority of money spent by Lake Gerry Association goes toward the Lake Preservation.   These payments will continue to be high for the next several years as we get the lake cleaned up and restored to it's former glory.  We would like to eliminate the Pavilion fund since it rarely raises enough money to perform a single project required for the pavilion, instead: we would use the general fund to pay for pavilion expenses.  We always have the option to reinstate these funds when needed but feel we need to focus on the Lake Preservation for the foreseeable future. 

    Starting in the 2022 season, all Lake Gerry Association guest passes and boat stickers will be picked up at the Lake Gerry Association Meetings.  After you purchase these items online, you will be given a receipt that can be used as proof of purchase during the year and can be used to obtain the needed passes/stickers.  This will help us eliminate issues members were having tracking down LGA Board Members to get these items. 

    Our overall goal is to streamline our financial and management operations for the Lake Gerry Association which will improve compliance and transparency among the Lake Gerry Association Members.  These changes will also alleviate much of the strain on our volunteers and hopefully encourage others to help volunteer in the community and on the LGA Board. 

Lake Gerry Association is a non-profit organization. PO Box 665 Oxford, NY 13830

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