Lake Gerry Association


Stay up-to-date on the latest news from the Lake Gerry Community. 

  • 09/13/2021 1:08 PM | Anonymous

    Lake Steward Report

    September 12, 2021


    August 31st was the 2nd Muck Treatment application around the lake.  This treatment will be the last of the season due to dropping water temperatures and will resume in the spring.  We will be assessing the effectiveness of these treatments as they are performed. 

    September 7th was the Lily Pad Spraying.  It will take approximately 2 weeks to see the die-off of the lily pads and we should see significant decrease in lily pads in the spring.  

    Muck Islands - If you have ventured into the corners of the lake this summer you will have seen some floating islands of muck and weeds.  While annoying, they are evidence that the treatments are working and the debris and muck at the bottom of the lake are decomposing as expected with the muck treatments.  We are working on a plan for the removal of these islands of muck and would gladly encourage any input or suggestions.  We may need to form a work-party to help break them down and remove them from the lake. 

    Fish Stocking will be done the 3rd or 4th week in October depending on availability.  Hickling's fish farm has limited stocks of Perch and Crappie so we are waiting to hear if they will be available.  The Large Mouth Bass and Fat Head Minnows will be added. 

    After Lake Days, a large limb fell onto the electrical service wire to the Charles Kelley Rd. Pavilion.  This pulled the wire and conduit off of the pavilion therefore the electric has been shut off until repairs can be made.   At the recommendation of NYSEG and an electrician, the repairs will include running the new supply line under ground in a trench to the pavilion.  This should help prevent the current lean in the pavilion and will prevent further tree damage. Estimated repair costs are around $2100.  If you would like to help with this project or assist with financial support please make a donation to the Lake Gerry Association online or contact us at

    All docks on the Lake Gerry Association lanes will be inspected in the spring and repair plans will be made after these assessments. 

    The sand for the beach will need to be reworked and another load brought in. 

  • 09/12/2021 7:50 AM | Anonymous

    October NYSFOLA Regional Conference via Zoom for everyone to enjoy!

    Register now for the 2021 Finger Lakes and Western Regional Conference which will be held via Zoom on Saturday October 23rd from 10am – noon.  We think our members from other parts of the state will enjoy this as well.


    1. Opening remarks
    2. Identifying and Addressing Critical Issues for New York’s Lakes” – Dr. Brian G. Rahm, Director, NYS Water Resources Institute, Cornell University. Attendees will have the opportunity to interact and discuss critical issues on their lakes, and Dr. Rahm will describe the role of the Water Resources Institute in addressing these issues.
    3. The Why, What, and How of Lake Aeration” – Join Dr. Steven Souza, Owner, Clean Waters Consulting, LLC as he discusses how stratification and sediment oxygen demand impact lake water quality; how aeration is used to improve conditions; as well as a synopsis of the types of aeration techniques, their uses, and case studies.
    4. Wrap Up
    5. Set the date for 2022.

    Registration is $10 and must be received by October 18, 2021. Click here to REGISTER.

  • 09/11/2021 7:49 AM | Anonymous

    Charles Kelley Road Pavilion - Tree Cut-back

    The tree cut-back at the Charles Kelley Road Pavilion has begun.  We will be cutting down several trees behind the pavilion in hopes that it will allow more sun to dry out the ground surrounding the pavilion.  It will also help prevent future damage from falling trees/limbs.  

    Thank you to all those who volunteered time, equipment and expertise with the tree project.  If you would like to help with future Lake Gerry Association projects, please contact us at and watch this website for future projects. 

  • 08/25/2021 7:47 AM | Anonymous
    Muck Treatments - August 2021

    Our next Muck Treatment will take place on August 31st.  Muck digester pellets will be placed around the perimeter of the lake to speed up the degradation of the muck in the lake. SOLitude Lake Management Truck

    September 7th is the date slated for Lily Pad treatments for the year.  During the treatment process we ask that you stay out of the lake during the application and avoid drinking the water that day. Follow the same restrictions as last year.  


    Swimming/bathing = No Restrictions

    Fishing = No Restrictions

    Animal Consumption = No Restrictions

    Drinking and Culinary or food processing = not a good idea I told testing levels are below 50 parts per billion

    Irrigation = No Restrictions



    The Lily Pad treatment has been highly anticipated this year.  Both of these treatments are weather dependent. 

    Muck TreatmentsMuck Application - August 2021

  • 08/17/2021 7:46 AM | Anonymous

    Lake Days!

    A heartfelt thank you to all of you who came out and supported and volunteered at the Lake Gerry - Lake Days this year. The weather was pretty near perfect for all of our events.  

    We started Friday evening with an ice cream social.  Lots of laughs and tasty treats for everyone.   There was a little snafu with the bucket of chocolate ice cream (couldn't find any!) so we were stuck with Chocolate Peanut butter... The horror. 

    Saturday we held the Community Picnic where we grilled up some burgers, hot dogs and had plenty dishes for everyone to enjoy!  (Someone even brought Chicken Wings!!)    The Lake Gerry Preservation Fund Auction got off to a slow start, but by the end the cash was flowing well enough and many left with some fantastic finds.  

    We also held the first of several Gift-Card Raffles:  A gas card, $50 Pine Ridge Grocery card and last meeting's winner of the $50 Price Chopper card donated it back to be raffled off again.  The raffles seemed pretty popular so we will be exploring offering these more often and through-out the year.   You'll be able to find them under the Member's area of the website and Raffles.   (It'll still take a little while to get them up and running)


    Saturday evening was a pretty abysmal Boat Parade.  I think I saw 3 boats go across the lake.  We'll try much harder next year to get better participation and enthusiasm.  I know when my kids are a bit older (and we can paddle out past the lily pads easier) they'll have a blast with this.  Thank you for those who kept the tradition alive!  


    Sunday's pancake breakfast was a relaxing treat to end the weekend.  The Lake Gerry Association cooked up a morning feast including: Sausage, Eggs, Hash-browns, Regular and Blueberry Pancakes.  The coffee was flowing fast and strong.  I met some new faces in the community and heard some funny stories of Lake-Days past.  


    The evenings this past weekend were quite chilly for August, and it reminds us that our summer at Lake Gerry will be coming to an end soon.  We still have a bunch of projects to finish up and encourage you to participate and donated as much as you can.  We truly live in a fantastic little community and we want to keep improving it. 


  • 08/09/2021 7:45 AM | Anonymous

    Lake Gerry Association Meeting Summary - August 2021

    Unofficial Meeting Summary

    Several projects are under-way or have been completed this summer. 

    We have started our Muck Remediation program.  SOLitude Lake Management was here last week and distributed 100 pounds of muck digester pellets around the perimeter of the lake, about 15 feet out.  Over time, these pellets will increase the decomposition of the muck and improve the health of the lake.  These applications will be done monthly and results assessed. To offset some of the costs associated with muck treatments, we will be holding several fund-raisers throughout the year including the sale of reusable grocery bags and gift card raffles. 

    Several new courtesy signs have been placed around the lake. 

    Upgrades to the Charles Kelley Rd Pavilion have been performed including:  a new gravel walk-way to the pavilion, moving of the port-a-potty, new stone inside the pavilion, a new events sign and a metal storage cabinet. Plans are being drawn up and assessed for the repair of the pavilion structure. 

    We will be spending some money in the Fish Fund this year to add: 100 Large Mouth Bass, 100 Perch, 100 Crappie and 1000 Fat Head Minnows.  These fish will be added in the fall when available. 

    The second Lily Pad treatment will be performed by SOLitude Lake Management within the next couple of weeks, depending on weather conditions.  They will be bringing an air-boat this year to have better access and coverage of the treatment.  It will take several weeks for the lily pad die-down to occur, and we will see the results next spring.  It is likely we will need a 3rd application or at least a maintenance plan in place going forward to prevent future overgrowths. 

    New Website is being developed (If you're reading this, you know...)  This website will be the go-to place for all things Lake Gerry.  There will be a tiered access program on the website.  A public area will be available for anyone looking for information on Lake Gerry.  There will be a members section where current members will be able to access important Lake Gerry Association information such as: Treasurers Reports, Meeting Minutes, Member Voting, and discussions.  The Lake Gerry Association Board will have administrative rights on the website which will allow them to add content at any time, from anywhere.  The ultimate goal is to have a single point of reference for the community which will allow ALL members to see the workings of the association.  Members will buy and renew their memberships including boat and guest passes right from the website. 

    Lifetime Membership will be given out this year, stay tuned for more details. 

    To avoid future membership dues issues and sticker shock, we will be assessing our dues and costs yearly.  Any recommended fee increases will be voted on yearly. 

    There have been some safety concerns raised around the lake regarding fire/EMS access to homes around the lake.  We have been in contact with the Oxford Fire Department and are working toward the placement of 3 dry-hydrants placed around the lake.  These hydrants will allow the fire department to access a water source should they need to in the event of a fire. 

    Lake Days is Coming!

    Starting Friday August 13th at 7pm will be the Ice Cream Social where you can make your own sundaes and enjoy visiting with your neighbors. 

    Saturday August 14th at 1pm will be the Community Picnic.  We will be providing hotdogs and hamburgers, we ask that you bring a dish to pass.  Following the Picnic will be the Lake Gerry Auction.  Items to be donated for the Auction will be picked up Saturday morning around 9am.  (Please do not donate:  Electronics, Baby items, Books/Magazines or Cat Trees)

    Saturday Night - 7pm will be the Lake Gerry Boat Parade - Judging will take place at the beach.  

    Saturday Night - Dark.  Light up the Lake --

    Sunday August 15th will be the pancake breakfast starting at 8:30. 

    Volunteers are needed for all of these events.  Please reach out to the Lake Gerry Association Board if you would like to help out. 

  • 08/08/2021 1:06 PM | Anonymous

    Lake Gerry - Lake Steward Report - August 2021

    Muck Treatments have begun - Performed by SOLitude Lake Management

    • Monthly Treatments
    • 100 Pounds of Muck Digester Pellets have been spread around the perimeter of the lake, 15 feet from shore.
    • Each treatment will vary depending on results

    New Courtesy signs have been placed around the lake

    • Kids and Pets at Play
    • Dogs must be leashed

    Charles Kelley Rd. Pavilion Updates

    • Metal Cabinet has been installed for more secure storage
    • There is a new gravel walk-way to the pavilion
    • Porta-Potty has been pumped and moved to a new location.
    • Tree Removal around pavilion will be scheduled for the fall. 

    Fish Stocking and Vote:

    • Available Fish include: Large Mouth Bass, Walleye, Perch and Crappie. 
    • We will be stocking 100 Bass; 100 Perch; 100 Crappie and 1000 Fathead Minnows
    • Fish will be added to the lake in the fall.

    Lily Pad Treatments will be within the next 2 weeks depending on weather conditions. SOLitude Lake Management will be applying the treatment via an airboat this year to get better access and spray coverage.

    Floating Log Removal - During the Lily Pad Treatments, SOLitude will attempt to remove the floating log.


  • 08/01/2021 7:44 AM | Anonymous

    To all Lake Gerry Association Members

    I would like to express my gratitude to all members for their support through the last couple of months. 

    I am looking forward to the completion of all the projects we have started.  It is my sincerest desire that all members feel they know and understand where we are at with lake cleanup and see the progress, we have made on bettering our environment. 

    I have heard from some members that they do not know how to reach Marc, our lake steward or myself as your president.  We both can be reached via Facebook messenger on our personal accounts.  I am working with Dr. Tim on providing a complete and accessible website for the association.


    I have been told that it is not always easy to get someone for for buying boat stickers and guest passes.  This is not a new problem, but it is one that we are working to solve.  Please bear with us during this transition phase.  It is heartening to know that members intentions are to do the right thing.

    It has been and honor to serve the community.  I am looking forward to the rest of, what looks to be a great season.  Lets keep the momentum going!


    Thank you all, 

    Pauline Speziali

  • 07/29/2021 7:42 AM | Anonymous

    The New - New website for the Lake Gerry Association 

    Hi Everyone,   

    Thank you for visiting our new Lake Gerry website.  Over the year I have been collecting information and trying to put together a comprehensive website with everything you need to know about Lake Gerry, the community and all the things happening behind the scenes.  The Lake Gerry Association Board and members are trying to promote the community by providing a transparent view of all the happenings with the organization in hopes that more members of the community will see a benefit to membership and offer to help us improve life in and around the lake for everyone. 

    As we began the creation of this website, if you have been following along, you will have noticed several changes in formatting, functioning and all of the things that make a website easy to use and engaging.  This latest iteration of the website should be the one we stick with as it will have the most and best functionality and affordability.  We are looking forward to being able to modernize and digitize communications and documentation for the Lake Gerry Association which will allow all members to view and track items as they occur.  We will be able to provide one single access point for all the information you need to engage with the community and improve your stay at the lake. 

    Over the next several months I will be adding more functionality to the website including:  Private members-only documents/posts,  Classified ads for the community, Fund-raising opportunities such as raffles and auction items, events calendars, and an online-membership store which will allow you to purchase your membership online via a credit card including  boat passes, guest passes, etc.  With anything, there may be a few hiccups along the way, so please bear with us as we try to make this website the best we can. 

    I'm just a volunteer who has some computer programming experience and donated my time and hosting for this website;  More-over, I am also new-ish to Lake Gerry (Been here since 2019) so I am ALWAYS looking for more information from you all as to what you would like to see on this page and how it can best serve you and the community.  I will keep asking for feedback and looking for documents and anything pertaining to the history of Lake Gerry, it's formation and the association.   If something is way wrong, or difficult to read or see, please let me know.  Also, feel free to contact me at with any information you are willing to share including photos, stories, old newsletters, etc.   The more information we have, the better this site will be, and the more fun we can have with it.  I also keep hearing murmurs of a long-lost Turtle Soup recipe... 

    Thanks for reading, and I hope you all are well and enjoying the lake (when its not raining)


    - Tim S.

  • 07/26/2021 7:41 AM | Anonymous

    SOlitude Lake Management will be performing Lake Gerry's first muck treatment on Friday July, 30th.  This treatment will be part of our monthly lake preservation and remediation program to improve the health of Lake Gerry. 

    The muck treatment consists of a non-toxic pellet treatment that enhances and promotes the decomposition of decaying plant matter that makes up the muck in the lake. As these treatments progress, please remember that it will take time to eliminate several feet of muck that has accumulated of the years in Lake Gerry. 

    As we go forward, it will be important for us to take care of the lake in several ways.  1)  Lily Pad Removal,  2)  Grass Carp for weed management, and 3)  Muck remediation.  


Lake Gerry Association is a non-profit organization. PO Box 665 Oxford, NY 13830

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